What’s Up Momma? I tired….

Well we have officially been in our new house for a week now. I’m trying to remember that it took us no less than two months to pack up our condo, that it will probably take us the same amount of time to unpack and “really” make it home! UGH….I really had no idea how much work it was.

When I bought my first condo at 23 I didn’t go with much, I was leaving my mom and dad for the very first time in my life. I never went away to college, I had never lived on my own before, my father was dying, it was a tough time, yet it was an exciting time for me. I went with the cloths on my back and bought all new furniture with my then boyfriend. Two years later, when things didn’t work out and I thought my life was over I moved back home to get back on my feet and figure out what I was going to do. I again went home with the cloths on my back and barley anything else. Five years later I moved to NH when I met my husband. Again, I moved with the cloths on my back and together we bought some new furniture. So this, this was a HUGE move for us! However we are here now, that’s the important part, making it a home is supposed to be the fun part. I have to be honest for a minute, it hasn’t been fun. I thought unpacking my kitchen would be fun. It wasn’t. It was exhausting. I thought unpacking my master bedroom, with the to die for walk-in closet in it would be fun. It wasn’t. I’d like to think it’s because I’m pregnant. I’d like to think it’s because we are in the dead of winter and I’ve been sick with either a head cold, chest cold or this time around, a throat cold……..this one even ended with layringitis! (yes a dream for my husband). Here is the best bed anyone could ever sleep on. I bought this set for myself a year before I moved in with my husband and since it didn’t fit in our condo bedroom it stayed at my moms………it was worth the wait because let me tell you, since we’ve been sleeping in this bed….I’ve never slept as well as I have been and so has my hubby.


I never thought I’d say that I’m sick of shopping, but I am. I went from having 3 windows to about 20 so I’m in need of way more blinds and curtains. NOT a fun job, I suck at measuring, I suck at hanging and my hubby is so busy with other stuff that I feel like I have to give the hanging of curtains and pictures a go. Here is day two of the big move……we were bombarded and surrounded by boxes for at least a week!


Lets talk about the other thing I’ve been sucking at these days too. Cooking. Anything. 🙁 This is a big upset for me. The first few months of my pregnancy I had no energy or stomach to do more than boil water! Now I’m finally not tired 24/7 and I’m officially in my new kitchen……however I’m still sucking. I thought it was just because I had a lot on my mind and have been so busy the last few weeks, or should I say months! Then my first week in our new home I was took upon myself to warm up some pizza for my husband and I for lunch. I like to warm it up in the oven because it keeps the crispiness. So I did what I always do, thew it on some tinfoil, popped it in the oven at 350 and walked away. I was unpacking a box 2 rooms away when I heard my husband screaming from upstairs, “Hun, what is going on?” Now this was in a voice I had never heard from him before, I immediatley got defensive and said “What, what, what is wrong” as I walked into the kitchen smoke had already filled the entire downstairs, except the room I was in of course. He literally jumped down the flight of stairs and asked what I was making in the oven. I said I’m warming up pizza, I assumed something was seriously wrong with this stove. He opened it and I could see a huge flame coming from the bottom of the stove. He said WTF…….he tried to put the fire out with a dish rag, it wasn’t working. Then he opened the draw at the bottom of the stove, low and behold, my kitchen mitt was on fire! The man, husband, daddy that he is immediatly grabbed the mitt and brought it outside to dump in the snow. He proceeded to open every window and air out the house. I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I went from an electric stove to a gas stove and I had no idea what the difference was, apparantley with an electric stove you can use the draw at the bottom as storage, which is what I’ve always done, heck thank got I had that in my condo, I kept all of my pots and pans in their. Well I guess with a gas stove the draw is meant to be a broiler. How was I to know? Don’t worry I didn’t take offense when my husband came home with three brand new fire extinguishers the next day!! 🙂

Then I attempted a simple recipe I found through another food blogger friend of mine, I’m not sure what I did wrong, I followed the recipe to a T, the only thing I changed was I used homemade pasta sauce vs. jarred, figuring it would be better that way, however since my sauce was frozen it was more watery than most sauces and, well the dish just wouldn’t cook, my sister and I picked around the edges and ate the cooked dough and the middle of the pizza pie was all dough!! Whoopsy. Then the next night I made a pot roast, which I’ve done a million times before, however I used different potatoes than usual and I must have bought a cheaper cut of meat (which I’ve done before, you’d think I’d have learnt by now) and it took over 9 hours to cook and the meat was tough. Come last night I felt pretty defeated, I even told my husband that we are having take out from here on out through the rest of this pregnancy. 🙁 I’m blaming it on pregnancy but who knows, I feel like I’ve lost my “place” in the kitchen. I have to confess………I’m bumming. Mom said that cooking with a gas stove is a lot different than an electric one that I have to give it some time, I had no idea that it could be that different!!

Madison is settling in, she is doing really well at her new daycare, we love it their, the teaches are so nice and friendly, they keep her busy when I drop her off so she doesn’t even have time to be sad or upset, one day I was lucky to even get a kiss good-bye! She is loving seeing Nunny and TT everyday, it’s nice that they can say good night or see her off to school in the morning. She is still getting used to her playroom, she hasn’t quite figured out yet that the WHOLE room is hers. That she can go and play whenever she wants, she used to play in the same room we were hanging out in so I think it’ll take some time for her to play on her own. Here she is one morning, our first week……..so much stuff, you can barley see her!


After a week of all day/night unpacking and putting things together, take-out, and visits from family and friends, Andy and I finally had a date night. Like we used to, we put Boo to bed, had dinner and watched a movie, well…..half the movie! We agreed every Friday night will be date night, most of them in, but some out 🙂


I will forge ahead though, I won’t give up. I’m back to Featured Friday, so stay tuned, Friday I have a fellow #SundaySupper member in my kitchen Co-Hosting with me! Then our theme for #SundaySupper this week is Retro Recipes, Then and Now. I decided to choose a dish from my childhood that I hold near and dear, so stay tuned for some great Retro Recipes!!


Here we are at 16 weeks. Me and my lil peanut! I’ve never been as tired as I am, I’ve never felt as fat as I do today, however I’ve never felt as beautiful as I do right this very minute. I may not be that fond of pregnancy this time around but I’m staying positive and remembering why as woman we do this. I look over at my daughter (how cute is she) and I remember just why, it’s all worth it.


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