What a Tuesday!!

Well I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t looking forward to daycare day today! Maddie has become quite aggitated (or momma & dadda have) because she wants to talk so badly but just isn’t. We are back to whining everything. Though she was a Ham on Easter Sunday so I guess I should take the good with the bad! Saturday was horrible and yesterday was horrible. My hubby even got a taste of it, god it always makes me feel so much better when he sees it so I don’t think I’m going out of my mind! I feel so guilty at times being aggrevated, she’s my child, I adore her, she’s my everything, but sometimes she just gets on my last nerve LOL! So the morning turned out ok, I could tell she didn’t want to go to school she started clinging to me as we got dressed but I just kept going……..this is her favorite thing to do in the morning! She likes to talk to anyone walking by, the plow guy, the landscapers, the mailman….whoever will listen!

I know she’s so darn cute, I melt all over again and just drink some more coffee. So we trudged onto daycare, I actually get their a little early (I didn’t want anytime alone! Nooooo!!!) I had my laptop, book and phone all packed to head to Barnes & Nobles since that’s where I get the best writing done, I always leave everything in my truck when I go to drop her off because I have her bag and her to carry in. Welllllllllllllllllll Yeah I locked my keys in my truck. I have honestly never done that in this truck (going on 7 years now!) UGH….I walk next door to the trucking place hoping a guy will help a girl out and pick the lock or something, but nope they say they have nothing that would work (yeah ok!) So I had no choice but to call my husband and ask him for the insurance information so I could call for road side assitance. On the bright side I was able to go in and use the daycare’s phone, at least I could do that! Bad side is that Maddie saw me and got all upset again! So all I could do was wait at this point, my husband said it could be hours, luckily the girls at the daycare seemed to have no problem with me hanging out for a bit! So it was nice to see Maddie in her classroom, though all she did was sit on my lap! LOL….but all the other kids surrounded me too! It was cute! Believe it or not the the toe truck came in 15 minutes so I got lucky, I then decided to skip Barnes and Nobles and just get a few errands done, clean the house, get dinner going and then whatever time I had left is meant for writing!

Below is what was for dinner tonight!! AWESOME!! Highly recommend it! Tomorrow I’m going out for dinner with my MIL so my hubby will be forced to have leftovers! Thursday I’m making Cheesy Stuffed Meatball Sliders. This is a new recipe, I have dinner rolls left over from Easter dinner and I hate to see them go to waste so I’m trying the Sliders out I’ve always wanted to! Then Friday I’ll finish up our leftover Ham from Easter and make my hubby’s favorite Ham & Cheese Chicken! YUM! So today was I for the A to Z Challenge, so I wrote out I- is for Ice Cream Cake, because I’m darn proud of making my own! And also don’t forget to check out the Top 5 Recipes viewed this Week! Also so far getting ready to have a Co-Host once a week on Friday’s is coming along awesome!! I have six lovely ladies lined up already, I’m so excited to try some of their recipes and share them with my usual readers! Their sites are awesome you guys will love them! So stay tuned my starting date is still 4/27/12 SO EXCITED! This is so huge for Momma’s Meals!!!!

Here was the station I set up this morning, nothing like watching the food network channel while typing away!

I started to put dinner in the crock. I’m making a new BBQ Pulled Pork, I thought about putting them in a sandwich or serve something else but then I found the Asian noodles I bought awhile back so I’m going to added a bag of frozen peppers and onions to the mix and serve it over the Asian noodles 🙂 YUM.

So I seasoned the Pork and put it in the crock (I shredded the visable fat off)

I also had to make my own BBQ Sauce because, yes get this I didn’t have any, I still swear it’s somewhere, I know I had a whole bottle in my pantry but it’s also the cabinet MM plays in so lord knows where it ended up!! It’s ok I found an easy enough recipe for BBQ Sauce.  I warmed the BBQ Sauce on the stove, I just wanted to melt the sugar into it so it didn’t take long.

While the sauce was heating up I sliced my onions.

Then placed them on top of the pork.

I mixed the BBQ sauce with the rest of the recipe, cumin, chilli powder and salsa! How yummy does that sound?

I poured it into the crock over the pork and I did spread the seasoning around a bit and put the onions back on top.

Set it on low and cooked for 4 hours, then because I was crushed for time I turned it up to high for the last hour and a half. A half hour before it was ready I took the pork out, shredded it, and put it back in to combined it with the frozen (but thawed) peppers and onions and let it cook for the last hour while I boiled my asian noodles.


I always pour it over the noodles, just shows better in a picture!!

I thought it had quite the kick, my hubby said it was really good but not as hot as I thought it was LOL!! We have lots of leftovers so I’m surly making pulled pork sandwiches with this over the weekend!!

One Reply to “What a Tuesday!!”

  1. I hope your day ended better than it started….I like the pic of Bubba in front of the sliding door. See ya later !!

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