The Adventures of Pup-Pup.

Sooooooooooooo…..I didn’t get to post my salad that I had for lunch yesterday!! Momma got busy! I finally broke down and went shopping for new summer cloths, I know I know most people love shopping and and buying new cloths, and usually I do too however not when your going up in size! Anyways I have to return half of the stuff I bought now! I refuse to try things on at the store…….REFUSE!!! Those mirrors are horrible! And I never did get it, you’d think their “selling strategy” would be to get mirrors in their that make you look fabulous!! Oh look this looks great on me, I’m going to buy one in each color! But nope instead they put those god awful mirrors in each dressing room with the lighting from hell!! So I haven’t actually used a dressing room in at least five years if not more! Screw that, I’d rather go back and return the stuff if it doesn’t fit!

Pup-Pup and Maddie go shopping:

Anywho, let me tell you about this shopping experience, because again, I don’t know why I would choose to go with MM. She goes to daycare two days a week I could have just went today but no I decided to get her out of the house and head out to shop! I chose the carriage that has the kiddo seats in the front of the cart, I thought if she felt like a “big” girl she may stay satisfied for a longer period of time. (wrong) So off we go, of course we hit the $1 racks first. They always have fishies their, so of course we have to buy a bag, and not only buy a bag but we have to open the bag and snack too. So that kept her busy for a little while. Until the bag fell on the floor and every fish in the bag fell out. Yes she has officially learnt the word “UH-OH” it’s so gosh darn cute how can I not smile at that as everyone around me was feeling bad for me as I got on my hands and knees and picked up every single fishy. Then proceeded to listen to a little whining because she of course didn’t understand why she couldn’t have them back!! So now I pay for this bag of fishies to just go home and throw them away!! Thank god they were $1.00!!

So I see her getting antsy so I head on to the toddler section to get a few things for her………now she wants out……so I let her out. Now she she goes through the folded cloths, I pick them up. She goes back, I pick them back up. I pick her up because I just wanted to pick a few outfits for her and move onto the paper good section! She gets heavy, I put her down, she goes back to the shelf, pulls down the cloths, I pick them up, I pick her back up…………Let’s go darling!!! Off we go……get our paper towels, ziplock bags and garbarge bags and head to the checkout isle.

Now I’ve learnt my lesson, you go no where WITHOUT checking to make sure Pup-Pup is present! I look all around the cart, he’s no where. Now I’m panicking, I then try and think if she even brought him in the store, I then decided yes she did. I then panicked when I saw the amount on the register that I now owed! I now run around the store two different times and revisit every isle we were in looking for this damn Pup-Pup!!!! People must have thought I was an idiot! All I could think was that my husband and I weren’t going to sleep for the next week because Pup-Pup was lost forever! I then thought maybe I should offer a reward and hang posters for a missing Pup-Pup!! LOL…..I had one more hope……..customer service. I secretly prayed….. please older person/parent please have found Pup-Pup and thought that this must be a child’s lovey I better bring it to lost and found incase their helpless parents lost it!!!

The girl at the desk then asks me to give Pup-Pups description (seriously what are we at the police station!) I can’t say he’s white and pink because you can’t see the white or pink underneath the mange! She said sounds like one we have, sure enough Pup-Pup was being held!!!! THANK GOD!!!!!!!! Whew!!!!! What an ordeal! Then we went home and she proceeded to nap for a whole 45 minutes! YAY! I got to shower at least! Fun times huh!

Ok so a Salad a day! I’m sticking to it!! Yesterday I had the “Classic Chicken Cesear Salad“. YUUUMMY! I just use leftover chicken breast and reheat it with a dab or so of the light Cesear-Italian Dressing.

I put my crutons on my bed of lettuce as my chicken is heating up.

I top it off with the chicken and shredded parmesan cheese, use a little dressing, and wala! Yummy Healthy lunch! 

Oh and that’s my new plate I bought. My husband suggested I “spice” it up and get a few decorative plates to take pictures of my food on because the brown ones are getting boring! HAHA! Ok well thanks hunny, I’ll be sure to spend some more money next time I’m out! Don’t have to ask me twice!

Then of course today is Tuesday’s Tasteful Treasure!! I had to make it a Salad recipe since I wanted to stick to my theme! So I made a Chicken Summer Salad……full of fruit, cheese and chicken! YUMMY!!! Check out the pics!

Tonight I’m making a secret dish because tomorrow I’m doing a SPECIAL “Featured-Co-Host”!!!! YAY!!! Marina from Domesticated Duchess will be joining me tomorrow! I’m making up one of her dishes, and she made up one of mine!!! Wasn’t that nice of her! So since we’ve been getting the camp opened, house hunting and all that good stuff this momma forgot that I was supposed to Co-Host with Marina yesterday!!! AHHH!!!! Biggest apologies to her, luckily she was able to reschedule with me for tomorrow! So stay tuned for her dish you are not going to want to miss this one!! Two dishes in one Co-Host Event AGAIN!!!!

What else is going on this week? Not much really….I’m making my Pecan Crusted Chicken Thursday for a very special person. I’m going to serve it over a salad and stick with the theme!! I’ve been dying to try this Fiesta Chicken Dish in the crock but that’s a lot of chicken in one week! LOL…..

I’m also working on picking some recipes to make up at our camp for you folks!! Yep! This momma is off for the long weekend, but don’t worry, I’ll be sharing whatever I grill up!! If I can my internet service up their going of course!! Fingers crossed I’ll feel so disconnected if I can’t! I’m also taking part in a Sunday Supper on Sunday. It’s a group of fantastic women who share their favorite foods on Sunday, we all get together and share what we’ve made, we tweet and pin about it! This will be my first time taking part but so far it sounds so much fun!! Sometimes their are themes, this weekend’s theme is your favorite Memorial Day Party Dish!!! Fun Fun!!! So check out Sunday Suppers this summer!!

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