I Love You Friday


It’s been a long week!! So when my husband texted me today and said he wasn’t working tomorrow it so made my day, I went to bed late last night because a friend of mine needed me and I wanted to be awake to talk or drive to her if she needed me, and then my daughter was up at 6:30! Knowing I have to get my daughter packed up to spend the night with my sister tomorrow is stressful enough never mind doing it alone, we are on the 2nd floor of our condo complex and packing to go anywhere is NEVER easy!

Soooooooo Valentine’s Day is coming, I’ve already revealed what I’m doing for my fam what are your ideas? I came across this awesome blog today and I want to make this for my hubby. Check it out! http://margo-joyfulhomemaking.blogspot.com/2012/02/framed-dry-erase-board.html I came across this while linking a favorite recipe of mine onto It’s a Keeper Thursday, I posted my Spinach Cups, which by the way I had as a snack today with my whole wheat crackers! YUM! 

I also added some new Valentine’s Day Recipes for you!! It’s going to be so hard for me to choose! Or my hubby will make me order out! Check em out! Start with a nice breakfast, well I can’t because my husband is out the door at 4:30 a.m.!!! But me and my boo will have something special like these: Almond French Toast or Caramel Cream Crepes. Or how about a nice side like, Emeril’s Roasted Potato? Or an easy main course, Chicken Piccata Pasta Toss or a nice Steak dinner for your man? Secret Steak & Veggies or how about a French Onion Soup…can’t go wrong with that for an appetizer or Salad, Spinach w/Orange Vinaigrette.

So what did this momma cook this week, well I made the Chicken Sausage & Pasta, I’ve made this before but I figured I’d take some pictures this time:

I also cooked my (or baked) my very first bread ever! It was an Irish Soda Bread w/cheese. I was proud of myself! Wonder if my Irish grandmother would approve, I’ll have to ask her.

So I got an email from one of my favorite bloggers and this craft idea was so stinking cute if you have little ones at home that enjoy coloring!! How cute is this, I’m thinking of making them even though my daughter doesn’t color yet! http://www.ourbestbites.com/2012/02/how-to-make-muffin-tin-crayons-and-a-printable/ I think it’s a great idea to give to your kiddo’s friends for special day’s like Valentine’s Day!! 

I’m also so very happy to know my friend is home safely from Afghanistan after 10 long months…..And a tour in Iraq 5 years ago. Gosh where does the time go!!?? He is such an inspiration and I can’t wait to just hug him! So a big thank you to the soldiers in the 26th Yankee Brigade. Welcome home!!!!! I remember his homecoming from his first tour and I’m sure it was just as bitter-sweet this time around!

5 years ago, first tour.        Ceremony             First Tour

Here was my status on FB this afternoon: “I took a shower with the door closed cuz I could. I left the cabinet door under the sink opened cuz I could, I left my salad bowl on the coffee table cuz I could, I shaved my legs in that shower cuz I could. Though I don’t agree with McDonald’s for my kiddo daddy can take her anytime!!!! Now getting ready for our night away!!!!!” It’s funny how we appreciate those “Cuz we can moments” But if we never had them again, we’d sure miss them wouldn’t we!! Time to appreciate more I guess. I try to think of those things when I become agitated!!

Hubby and I decided to apply to part-time daycare, 2 days a week. I think it’ll be great for Maddie to socialize with other kiddos, spread her wings a bit, and this momma needs to get things done and appreciate her boo a bit more! Theeeeeeen eventually I’ll get a p/t job LOL!!! Sooner or later! I was very hesitant to talk about this with anyone, afraid to mention it to my mom, or any girlfriends because I didn’t want to hear what anyone had to say. I’m already feel guilty enough being a stay at home mom and now sending her kiddo to a daycare, for what? So I can food shop in piece, finally go to the gym again, clean in peace? Come on who wouldn’t want that LOL!! So after talking to my husband about it, and finally my mother and MIL I was surly surprised that they all thought it was a great idea (it was actually my husbands idea) they all support me 100% so I’m happy and for the rest of you……..I don’t care what you think LOL…j/k, I’m just learning to mother the way I want to mother and not expect to be perfect and live under everyone else’s expectations. I’ve had plenty of people say to me “I don’t know how you do it.” (meaning staying home all day full-time with a kid) hey there are moms out their that stay home with 2 or 3 or even 4!! Christ, I give them the credit! I’m past the guilt feeling, though check back with me on her first day away from home 🙁 Daddy went to the mall with MM today and came home with her very first lunch box, it was so bitter-sweet, I smiled but cried. He said I’m sorry I was the one who bought it I thought you may be upset and I said HECK NO…I said I love that you thought of it when you saw it and Daddy should buy her those things. Though we have been very lucky that my husband has experienced all of her “firsts” within 24 hours of her doing them I liked how he bought this for her.

Madison had a play date with her boyfriend yesterday!! So we baked some Valentine’s Day treats for a few people and decided to put together a bag for Jack, I’m glad I got to witness that he loved the chocolate hearts, but hated the Red Velvet Hearts LOL! He’s so cute…..and thank you Jack’s mom for listening to me vent and making me feel so “NOT ALONE”!! Here is her and Jack this summer playing up the camp. I just can’t believe how little she was here…. 🙁

Well this momma is headed out for the night with some friends and my hubs. We spend all summer up at our camp and we’ve met some great friends so we are all meeting up tonight for a Mystery Prime Rib dinner!! Not only that but since it’s in MA and our daughter is staying with my sister for the night we rented a hotel, yup I said it, don’t be jealous, a whole night of gaurenteed……………………………………………………………..SLEEP!!! Now stop thinking dirty my friends, I’m looking forward to the free bottle of champagne that comes with our room and the night of sleep, the sleeping in and the breakfast for two the next morning!! YAH!! I haven’t left boo over night since last June so I’m a bit nervous but we really need the get away!! 🙂 Stay tuned for the weekend Wrap up come tomorrow night!!

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