Happy 2 Mths Momma’s Meals

Wow 2 months ago today I launched Momma’s Meals….It feels much longer! We have a whopping 4,102 hits!!!!!!! I couldn’t be more happy! I’ve had so much fun designing this website, running challenges and most of all, COOKING!! It’s only going to get better in 2012! Thank you all who have visited my site, all who participated in any challenges, and of course those of you who have sampled any of the recipes I’ve posted!! Now I need to ask you one more favor. The thing I’m lacking over here besides advertising which will start soon, is comments! If anyone has made on of the recipes I’ve posted can you respond with a comment under that recipe? Or to make it even easier on you, you can post it under this post and I can move it for you. 🙂 Lot’s going on for 2012 so make sure you come back soon!

Another busy weekend for us! Friday night was a nice quiet night in, watched a movie with my hunny. I made the Slow Cooker Parmesan-Sage Pork Roast. Got great reviews! Saturday we lounged and cleaned, Saturday night was our annual date night, it was real nice, haven’t been out like that alone in ages. My hubby took me to my favorite recipe, The Homestead. Great food, great atmosphere that’s my favorite saying! Then he surprised me and took me to his favorite martini bar down town. Yes it’s cold out and yes I hate cold, however this year I’m welcoming it because of these stinkin hot flashes I keep having. They seem to be getting worse, there have been times where I have to go stand on the deck for a few breaths, I haven’t worn a winter coat yet this year! So we walked down town and treated ourselves to a martini. Now it’s still only 830 LOL, my sister said to NOT come home early (she loves her QT time with her buba) so we ended up at a friend’s house for a few drinks. It was so nice to catch up with them last-minute like that, this momma doesn’t get to do anything last-minute anymore because well, my boo doesn’t allow me to! They don’t have children yet so it’s tough to hang out sometimes, but she’s been one of my best friends since I met Andy. Then today my hunny let me sleep in, it was great! I staggered out of the bedroom at 9am, poured myself some water and pulled out the invitation to my friends daughters first birthday party that we were going to later so I could get the directions and stuff situated, I barley had my eyes opened when I looked at the time and realized it said 10:30-12:30! AHHH I thought it started at 12:30 for some reason! It’s 45 min away so yes that meant we have 45 minutes to get out the door! Hey we were only 15 min late not bad!! Up tonight, more Christmas movies and wrapping!! I’m going to try the Spaghetti Squash and Sausage Casserole. My husband won’t be pleased but I don’t care I’m making something for me tonight!!! Tomorrow night I’m making Chef Nicole’s Mud’stard Crusted Pork Chops, hopefully I can get to the store for that Apricot Jam I keep forgetting! Tuesday my mom is taking me and miss Maddie to dinner and to finish up her Christmas shopping at BRU!! The rest of the week I’m not sure of for dinners, I’d like to make a soup for my MIL come the end of the week since we are visiting her on Friday.  But I’ll keep adding recipes throughout the week!

Sooooooooo I’ve been doing more research on the “Perfect” workout, the perfect”diet” plan to start come the new year, lose the 20 lbs I’ve always wanted to lose, gosh I’ve tried it all, every diet fad and the second I stop it, I gain it all back with some more on top of it. I even got a trainer once, he screwed me out of $600, that was fun, I’ve starved myself, lived on fruit, tried and bought every exercise video. During one of my conversations with my friend on Saturday night she was telling me a new video she does each morning, it’s from Tracy Anderson, not sure if anyone has heard of her but my friend gave me her book and I’ve been reading through it, of course she is inspiring, makes me feel like I can really do this, even maps out a meal plan (which by the way is BORING) that’s the part I can’t seem to stick too, eating healthy SUCKS!! It’s boring and I refuse to do it, to a point…..I laugh because my grandmother is so proud of me for eating healthy 85% of the time. During my pregnancy she bragged to people about how healthy I ate, ha, I guess she didn’t see all the french fries, pizza, and cake I ate EVERY day LOL!! I only gained 17 lbs while I was pregnant, I was the lucky one, so my question is how do I have 20 lbs to lose!!!!!!! Maybe because I was already 20 lbs over weight when I got pregnant!! So….I came home and looked up this Tracy Anderson person so I could order a few DVD’s and maybe give this one a shot seeing as my girlfriend really loves it and since she looks amazing I figured why not, then I heard the reviews on this woman and all the negatives and wanted to cry………how do we know who to believe with fitness advice? The trainer I had? The biggest looser? The local gym? Your best friend? Jillian Michael’s? It’s sad, all the advice I’ve heard on work outs and eating sound reasonable to me, all of it makes sense but they are all different, it’s frustrating. I just want to lose the 20 lbs so how do I do it? I don’t need to look like a model or even wear a bikini ever again however I do want to fit into my smaller cloths, feel good again and get my energy back!!! So I am looking forward to doing the 28 Day Health Challenge come the first of the year, I think if it’s one thing all of these people who I mentioned above have said that is the same is that fitness needs to be changed up, change your routine, so I think I’ll do them all! LOL….go to the gym, do a dvd, take a yoga class, try them all, as long as I’m active I’m usually happy, I have more energy, my daughter enjoys the gym daycare!! Who’s with me?? Anyone have any diet fad stories or nightmares to share with me so I don’t feel so alone!! LOL….


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