Featured Friday- A Special Interview

Happy Friday guys!! You know I prepare a lot of these articles ahead of time so with any luck even though I’m preparing this a week early, maybe my lil man is  here now!!!

Another Friday upon us, another person I’m honored to Feature. Actually I’ve featured her before. You can check it out HERE.  However today is different. Today is about challenges. Today is about goals. Today is about lifestyle changes. I’ve always been an insecure person. Not very confident in myself and my body. I’ve worked hard to change that, specially since my daughter has been born because I want to raise her with the utmost confidence in herself. I’ve learnt to give myself a break, you can read “Sacrificing Ones Body” here that I wrote back when MM was 5 or 6 months old. When I attempted to get back into shape. See the thing is, I actually lost weight with both of my pregnancies……I used to blame it on the wine, meaning I stopped drinking and with that I lost weight while my body was supposed to gain weight because of pregnancy. I like my wine, what can I say, it something I’m not willing to give up however moderation is the key. I just love staying up until 11pm at night, the house is sleeping, all is quiet, I will gladly fold six loads of laundry, catch up on General Hospital and sip on a glass of wine (or two). Now I’m due any day with my second and though I’ve only gained 8 lbs. I’ve come to realize it’s not just from lack of wine, it’s my metabolism that changes when I’m pregnant. It’s the hormones. Call it what  you will, I’m in better shape when I’m pregnant let’s put it that way. I’m a lucky one. VERY lucky. After I had my daughter, I was the skinniest than I had been in years. Slowly as the months past the weight crept back up on me though. I didn’t change the way I was eating, I just kept eating like my metabolism was the same as it was when I was pregnant. I also never returned to the gym either, well I tried at least. Keeping up with an infant, taking care of my family and being hit with post partum depression was a huge challenge for me.

However this time I want it to be different. Since I got lucky not once but twice with my pregnancies I really want to take advantage of having lost this weight this time around seeing as it’ll most likely be my last. I want to get back out their ASAP as far as working out is concerned. I want to eat healthier right away. I want to stay healthy and happy this time around. I’m destined to kick Post Partum in the butt if it so happens to rear it’s ugly head again!! I purchased the Core Body Reformer. I chose this because I can work out at home with my son napping next to me and my daughter is at daycare, I also noticed when I had my daughter I never gained strength back in my core so I thought this was the best option for me. I’m also looking into joining a group called Stroller Strides that meets a few times a week in the town next to me. I love walking, I think it’s a great way to stay in shape but still have interaction with other Mommies. Then their comes a very good friend of mine that I’m featuring today.

Her name is Jackie and I’ve known her for years now. She married one of my best friends a few years ago and we’ve since both had daughters. Jackie recently made a HUGE change to her lifestyle and she has truly become an inspiration to me and my family. She is a great person on the inside and out so when she joined Weight Watchers about six months ago I could do nothing but cheer her on. Encourage her in anyway that I could. From admiring her dedication to always making sure I had a healthy meal or snack at my house when her and her husband visited.  I recently interviewed Jackie for a number of reasons. One because I had questions that I was curious about myself,  knowing that I’d be facing the same challenges soon. Two because I want to share her story with my readers so I can inspire all of you and lastly because my family and I (My mom, sister and husband) are all on board to change our lifestyle of eating habits in the months to come to better our lives and I want to share with them Jackie’s success story! It can happen and it can happen to anyone!! So here we go!

Jackie41. I know how you and I met, let’s tell everyone else, in your words!
We met through my husband, Jim.  I remember the first time meeting you clear as day. It was only a few weeks after I started dating Jim and we met up with you and Andy (and some other people) at a pool hall. I remember feeling nervous about meeting you because Jim had told me so much about you and that you two had been friends for a long time so I was really hoping we would hit it off! Well, we sure did and here we are 5 years later and very close friends! 🙂
2. You’ve shared some great recipes with me. You were even Featured for one of my Co-Host spots, when did you start to enjoy cooking?
Growing up my Mom was very busy with work and school (she was a single mom).  She always made sure we ate at the table as a family (something I instill upon my family).  Well, when I was in middle school sometimes my Mom had to work a bit late so she would call me and have me start dinner.  She was the best instructor and this really started my love and confidence with cooking. 


3. When and how did you decide you wanted to make a lifestyle change for you and your family?

It was around Thanksgiving time that I really started to feel very unhappy with myself and it was to the point that I was feeling depressed.  I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore. I was constantly tired and had minimal energy.  A really close friend of mine started weight watchers in October and she was doing so good that it inspired me to look into the program more.  I went with her to a meeting on December 30th and decided to sign up that day. It was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time 🙂

Jackie24. Tell us a little about your journey to getting more fit and healthy for yourself and your family?
The biggest thing that weight watchers teaches you is that this is a LIFESTYLE change NOT a DIET.  I started with taking recipes and choosing replacements for the high-fat, high calories items with low-fat etc.  I also found some great weight-watchers websites along the way!  I became more mindful of what I am eating.  Portion control was huge for me.  I was eating probably at least triple the normal portions of things so now I measure and weigh things (I have trouble “eyeing” things lol).  I eat slower now and only eat till I am full.  It really is just about making healthier decisions.  I aim to work out 3 times a week because that is what fits in my lifestyle.  I can’t be at the gym 5 days a week- I have too much going on with my family.  You have to find what works for you!  It’s all about a healthy balance and everything in moderation.  I still get to enjoy pizza, pasta and of course wine!
5. What are some websites you use to cook your weight watcher meals?My fav is skinnytaste– every recipe I have made from her site has been amazing.  I also get yummy recipes from your website! Weight watchers online, skinnykitchen, slenderkitchen, laaloosh, emilybites and whatscookingintheburbs– I have so many recipes on pinterest now.  The thing is you really can take any recipe and try to make it healthier by using reduced fat items, swapping out sour cream for non-fat plain greek yogurt, baking instead of frying- the list goes on!
6. Do you have any words of wisdom for me and my readers on how to stick with and succeed in the same journey you’ve been on? I’m about to start eating healthier and being more active once my son is born, got any tips for me?

My biggest piece of advice is slow and steady wins the race.  Do not expect results over night.  It’s a lifestyle change to be healthier and it takes time to get on track. Also, do not worry about going off track- it happens…let it go and always know tomorrow is a new day 🙂

7. Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

My biggest inspiration would be one of my closest friends Cheryl.  She was the one to inspire me to go to a weight watchers meeting and see what it was all about.  Like I said before, she started a few months before me so I had heard a lot about the program and saw that she wasn’t struggling and was losing weight.  She is a mom of 3 beautiful girls.  Needless to say, she leads a very busy life.  She is always there for her family and friends and is still making healthy choices in her life.  She is the type of person that would bend over backwards to help a loved one in need.  I am so grateful to have her in my life and if it wasn’t  for her I probably wouldn’t have joined weight watchers! So BIG THANKS to her for giving me the boost to start this lifestyle change.


8. You’re a busy momma, how do you make it all work? Meaning, find time for working out, time with your family, time with your friends and of course alone time with your hubby?

Well I live a very busy active life- especially right now as we just moved into a new house and have been doing work to it.  The weird thing is I enjoy the busyness of it (well for the most part lol).  Running around with my almost 2 year old helps me burn off some calories and I typically only work out 3 times a week (no more than that).  I do all my meal prep for the week on Sundays. My husband (Jim) and I spend a couple hours (usually during Layla’s nap time) to make all our meals for the week. If we did not do this then we wouldn’t eat dinner during the week till 6:30 and my daughter goes to bed around 7 so this makes life so much easier for us!  My mother has been a HUGE help for us by watching Layla so that we can get things done around the house and work on projects.  She has been our lifesaver, well pretty much since Layla was born!  We try to have a date night at least once a month (with the craziness of the move and getting the house prepped for my daughter’s 2nd birthday party we have had to push out the date night)  If we do not have a project to do around the house after my daughter goes to bed my husband and I have an adult beverage on my big farmers porch (can I just say I always wanted one and I finally have one to enjoy…yay!) and just sit and relax enjoy each other’s company.  Jim is on a pool league so he goes out every Monday night to the local pool hall and hangs with friends.  He is also on a summer golf league that plays once a month.  I try to see a friend for dinner and drinks once a week (lately this has been pushed out cause of the move).  Life is definitely busy for us but we find ways to make it all work and still get to have fun. 

9. What were your biggest challenges along this journey?

My biggest challenge has been that I am too hard on myself sometimes.  I have slowly learned along this journey that it is OK to slip up every once in a while- you have to let yourself have that slice of pizza or alfredo noodles sometimes.  Life is too short to regret having a little “cheat” from time to time.  It has also been hard at times with finding the energy to work out after a long day at the office and then tending to my family.  Come 7:30 most of the time I just want to crash but for the most part I will push myself to go to my favorite Zumba class or get on the elliptical or I just let myself crash cause sometimes you just gotta let your body take a break.  All in all, this journey has not been very challenging for me because I have a lot of support from my husband, friends and family and with the healthier food changes (which were not too different than I cooked before) it has been a wonderful experience and I feel the best I have ever felt 🙂  I am now down 50lbs since the end of December with just working out a few times a week, eating healthier and watching my portion size- it’s all about a lifestyle change and it works!

10. How do you plan when you eat out or go to a BBQ let’s say. I’m wondering about all the BBQ’s that will be going on this summer, how do you prepare for that? (Well besides mine because you know I’ll be making yummy Turkey burgers and salads! LOL!!!)

Oh the world of BBQ’s has already started for me lol. -One thing I like to do for someone hosting a BBQ is offer to bring a side-dish.  This way I can make a healthier dish that I know I can have more of so that I am not eating 5 hot dogs to fill me up  lol.  But weekends I become a bit more “relaxed” with weight watchers. I still track everything I eat but I allow myself to have a cheese burger, chips, piece of cake or whatever not so healthy thing I don’t have on a regular basis.  You just can’t deny yourselves of these things.  Just this past weekend I attended a graduation party and had mac and cheese (and it was not low-fat) and chicken wings and some other not so healthy food.  I tried to have smaller portions of these things.  Like I have said time and time again- everything in moderation.  Just know tomorrow is a new day if you happen to indulge more than you wanted to on those chicken wings or cake 🙂  
Can you share your latest favorite recipe with me and my readers?

Well as you now know my life is very busy so easy is good in my book.  This recipe is from one of my favorite weight watcher friendly website,  Emily Bites.   It’s a crock pot recipe so even easier 🙂 set and forget!

Slow Cooker Beef & Broccoli

Yields 4 (1 cup) servings. Weight Watchers Points Plus: 8 per serving (P+ calculated using the recipe builder on weightwatchers.com)

Nutrition Information per serving from myfitnesspal.com: 305 calories, 20 g carbs, 11 g fat, 29 g protein, 1 g fiber

I serve this over brown rice and sometimes over home-made fried rice in which I use this recipe from Slender Kitchen. I just looked at this recipe and it looks yummy and simple! Thanks so much for sharing Jackie!! I can’t wait to try this one!

Thanks again Tammi for featuring me and letting me share my story about my journey of living a healthier a life and how I am Jackie5somehow juggling a full time career and being a wife and mother. As crazy busy as my life can be, I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂  No thank you Momma! You’ve been one of my biggest support systems since I started Momma’s Meals. I for one am very thankful that Jim met you, he’s been a great friend to me since I was 18 years old and he’s seen me through so not so great times yet the happiest of my times as well. I’m so glad I get to share these times with you now! Having girls only 9 mths apart will be so great someday! I’m more than happy for you and your new adventures as you enjoy your new home and your new lifestyle! I look forward to your support as I start my own adventure!! Thank you for sharing your story with me and my readers, you have some great tips that I will always keep in mind and as far as the websites you’ve recommended, well now I’ve got my work cut out for me and I better get to pinning myself!! I’m so proud of how far you’ve come with this new lifestyle and I will continue to be support system any day!! 🙂 Love you!

One Reply to “Featured Friday- A Special Interview”

  1. Tammi,

    Thank you so much for letting me share my story 🙂 I hope that it inspires some people to make some healthier changes in their life and know that it’s totally do-able 🙂 I hope your first night at home with baby Drew went well! I couldn’t be more happier for you and the fam! I can’t wait to get my hands on handsome Drew and give him lots of kisses!



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