Down and Out….and Back!

Wow is all I have to say about that gosh darn stomach bug we’ve had for the past 32 hours! Holy crap you people weren’t kidding, when my hubby and I both woke up Sunday at midnight with severe stomach pains we thought we had eaten something bad together, or I thought it was part of my usual stomach problems since I still have bad spouts, so as we sat their watching TV in the living room at 1am describing symptoms to each other we slowly ruled out food poisening LOL!! My poor hubby thought he would be a strong guy and off he went to work at 4:30 Monday morning, by 9:30 he had texted me and said he wished to god he drove himself in because when they carpool they are stuck in Boston! I for the most part curled up on my couch and slowly died…..thank GOD, my boo was very good that day, she kept herself busy for the most part, I slowly dreaded 11:30, come lunch time because I could barley move, and I also was thankful that she napped really well because for the first time in history I crawled into bed both times she napped yesterday! I’ve never done that, their is just something comfy about your bed when you don’t feel well!! My hubby came home and we patiently waited until 7pm so we could put her to bed and crawl into bed ourselves LOL…sure enough we were in bed at 6:50, I’m glad we went to bed that early because I woke a few times in the middle of the night with the cold sweats hoping and praying that this waste of a bug was coming out of my system! My hubby decided to stay home from work today so we could fully recover, we brought Maddie to daycare, went food shopping, it was great to have the help when you can’t seem to move very fast from not eating in almost 48 hours. When I got home and finally had a bowl of soup I quickly regretted it, curled up on the couch in pain and then proceeded to sleep for 2 more hours! WOW…..Woke up feeling A LOT better though. Changed our sheets for some nice fresh ones and off we went to finally get me a new IPHONE! Yay! It’s nice to be part of 2012. To know that an 85 year old man beat me to the punch, yes the sales guy told us that his record of selling an IPhone was to an 85 year old man last week!!! HA!!

OK well this momma is surly getting back in the kitchen tomorrow!! I miss it and I can’t wait to eat some normal food……….I hope my tummy can handle it though since I only had a bowl of soup for lunch and a bowl of soup for dinner in the past 48 hours! Though I can proudly say I’m 4.5 lbs down LOL!! Who would have thought that a stomach but could get 4.5 lbs on me but the stinken gym can’t!! Well I’d like to get to that Honey-Glazed Ham in the crock tomorrow with the Honey Roasted Carrots W/Walnuts I’ve been dying to try!

Later this week I’ll be trying the Zucchini Pizza Casserole and Smoky Chicken & Peppered Peprikash. These are the three definites on my list for this week, pending anymore sicknesses here in this household!!! We told Maddie to leave the daycare germs at daycare! Luckily she had a good day today, well she seemed good, she was happy to see us and did well when she got home so to us that means a good day! Though daddy got his leg hugged this morning while we were trying to leave 🙂

Don’t forget to check out St. Patty’s Day Grub section, I’ll be adding more this week too, I want to make sure their is a good variety, me myself, I’m looking at the Irish Stew and maybe an appetizer of some kind, my hubby is kinda picky when it comes to Corned Beef & Cabbage so I’m trying to incorporate other things in their!

Thanks for being patient while us Forcier’s recover from the illnesses going around!!

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