A Maddie Kind of Day….Parenting Tip #1.

Today was just a day for Miss Madison. I am super thrilled with being home for the week, boo is sick with a cold, it started off as a rainy yucky day (of course when you live in NE you just wait an hour or two and then it’s sunny and gorgeous!) All I could think about when I woke up was going to the farm stand down the street to buy some fresh fruits and veggies to cook with. We have been up at our summer camp so we stop and get fresh corn and tomatoes once a week but I was dying to really get some good stuff.

So we had a lazy morning and ventured out to play in the puddles and get some goodies. When we first go there, she was hesitant about even walking never mind holding my hand so I eased my way through the fresh goodies holding her, talking to her, telling her about all the goodies we were going to buy. I spotted the green beans and put her down, she started whining and I said “Can you help Momma pick green beans?” I took a plastic baggie and started filling them up and she started to do the same. “I said good girl, helping Momma.” This is really when I wish I had a team of photographers with me so they could have been taking our picture! So we moved onto the peppers, zucchini and squash. Then I saw Apples, and I said “Oh boy boo, lets pick out apples for you and dada!!!!” She loved that!! Then we moved onto tomatoes and I saw some green chili peppers that were small that I need for a recipe so I had her hold those and she thought she was the biggest helper in the world. Here is our finds:

I know that all children need is a little attention, all they need is to feel wanted and needed, and of course loved. I often forget this part about parenting and today I kept my patience level pretty high and it worked!! If you are wondering what the heck I’m talking about, well you haven’t read enough of my posts to know I lack patience in the lovely land of parenting. Now the lady at the farm stand probably thought I was a cookey SAHM but really all I was doing was giving my toddler some confidence and making her feel special and needed. OK all those professionals out their say that if you make a kid feel needed (let them help you!) they are happy, well my day proved all of those professionals out there are right!!

We went off to Hannaford’s to buy the rest of what we need, well she had a melt down come isle 3 but believe it or not I just kept shopping and ignored her and it worked!!!! Again, just proving that my mother is right and for once I was NOT embarrassed. Yet another accomplishment.

We came home had some lunch and onto nap time. Later on in the afternoon when I was trying to get dinner started she started whining (ok now it’s 3pm and my patience level goes way down come 3pm LOL) she loves loves loves jumping on our bed (yes I’m Type A Mom and like a nicely made bed) however sometimes rules are just meant to be broken and you need a little timeout for fun and play! So we (well her not me) jumped and jumped, she jumped I guided the sides of the bed!

After dinner time, after a few meltdowns, for some reason they still get worse come 5pm when my husband gets home, she was packing her grocery cart up and saying “Bye-Bye!!” And would walk around the corner with it! After the 10th time I started blowing kisses, and sure enough she blew back……….OMG my day is now made. I can rest easily. I can smile. I can be proud of my day. This day is a day I will look back on when the patience level is bordering the bust it line 🙂

So my tip………..just let your kiddo help. Make her/him feel like they are part of what you are doing…..(yes every second of the day) 🙂 Happy Wednesday my friends!

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