True or False of 2015

It’s a new year and I’m finally getting around to actually thinking about 2015 and all the joy it brought me. All the smiles and all of the love that filled my life for another happy and healthy year. It’s a time to reflect and a time to set goals for 2016. I also like to reflect on the things I’ve learned over the past year so I bring to you my True or False of 2015.

True or False of 2015


True or False.

You set your expectations for every little thing you do to the max? You must meal plan, grocery shop, hop on pinterest and find crafts for the kids, do laundry, clean at least one bathroom, vacuum and get dinner on the table. True. When all of those things don’t happen you get get discouraged? True. When you look back on what you actually did get accomplished you roll your eyes and feel your shoulders get even more heavier? True.

True or False?

You know your daughter needs new sneakers and though your toes are about to poke through your own sneakers you put yours on the back burner? True. Your gray roots are popping out more and more as the weeks pass but it’s way more important for your son to have the best birthday party ever so again you put your hair appointment off for another month? True. You would give anything to have a date night with your hubby but when you realize your friend is going through a hard time it’s way more important to cook her a casserole and head on over to her house with a bottle of wine. True.

True or False?

All you want to do is curl up on the couch and watch a good lifetime movie but you haven’t seen your husband alone in 3 weeks and his favorite sports team is playing so instead you curl up on the couch next time him. True. It’s spring time and your toes are in desperate need of a good pedicure, you can almost feel the technician applying that nice cream they use on your feet but to save money you bust out your old toe separators and dig through the draw for the cheap polish you bought last year? True.  Your ever growing children need new outfits yet again and as you pass by the women’s section at your favorite clothing store you dream of new yoga pants and sports bras but you soon forget about you and start smiling at all of the cute cloths out this season that would be too cute for your kids? True.


You are selfless in every way possible. True.
You always put others before yourself. True.
You are NOT perfect by any means. True.
No matter how much it may hurt a friend or loved one you are always honest with them. True.
You believe in communication and you feel it could take or break any relationship you have. True.
You despise confrontation but will do it because it’s truly the right thing to do. True.

Many people may not agree with these statements. They are my statements. They are my truths. Don’t be mistaken, I take care of me. I truly believe that all Momma’s out there need to make some time for themselves it’s just a matter of what sacrifices are important to you as a Momma. It’s taken me five years to realize my truths and I know that will continue as my children enter different stages and turn different ages.

Have you found your truths?


2 Replies to “True or False of 2015

    1. It’s so true Julie, it’s easy to forget about ourselves! I go back and forth and get stuck in ruts but my goal for 2016 is to keep a good balance all year round! Happy New Year and thanks for visiting!

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