I’m not the perfect mother….

I’ve learnt a lot in the 20 months since becoming a mother……….

I’m not perfect.

I do yell.

I do loose my patience.

I leave the house a mess.

I forget things………..A lot.

I often put my husband last 🙁

I drink wine.

I still smoke 1 cigarette a day.

I sometimes give my child processed food.

But out of all the things I’ve listed above, the things I’ve learnt and the mother I’ve become……..outweigh them.

I have learnt that crumbs in the corner don’t make me a bad mom.

I’ve learnt that seeing my child smile will always make me tear up.

I’ve learnt that the bed looks better unmade 🙂

I’m now know that being a mother is the most important job in the world.

I’ve learnt that dust is my friend.

I’ve learnt that my husband truly is my best friend and biggest support system.

I now know that I’m always going to need Mommy time.

I now know that Mommy time makes me a better mother.

I’ve learnt that watching my daughter learn something is by far the greatest reward in life.

I now know that my being responsible for another life is more draining than running 10 miles!

Maddie and I had an awesome day today. I don’t know why. We just did. I often sit back and think about the day and try to remember what I did so the next day I can do it again so we always have good days, but then I remember, that’s probably not going to happen!! She wasn’t whiny, she walked while holding my and without an argument, she only got on the kitchen table once LOL, she was a good girl when she got her ear re-peirced. She was good while I shopped, she napped well. We even sat for a whole 10 minutes and did a puzzle together, don’t laugh this is huge for her. This is what started my day…….how can you not smile and hug this kid??

Then daddy came home and that was the end of that, am I the only one out their has her husband come home and your kiddo turns into a nightmare?? WHY??????? WHY is that?????? OMG!!!

Ok so quick reminder of what’s going on this week!! Friday we have our Featured Co-Host!! I’m so excited to Feature Mandy from Mandy’s Recipe Box so be sure to come and see what meal (or meals) I cooked up!

Saturday is my big Foodie PenPal reveal, so excited for that!!

Then of course #SundaySupper on Sunday with my favorite group!! This weeks theme is your favorite dish for 4th of July! I’m going to be grilling up some Red, White & Blue Pizza’s!!!! Yes Blue!!!

Oh and later this month I just signed up to promote Simply Potatoes!! Have you tried them?? After you see the recipe I cook up you will be, and don’t worry their is a giveaway with this project too!!!

6 Replies to “I’m not the perfect mother….

  1. Your post made me smile in agreement and then I couldn’t stop laughing! Yeah everything is perfect, you think you baby is an angel and then as soon as daddy comes home, the angel disappears! It happens! And we can laugh about it when they are fast asleep 🙂

    1. Hi Lyn!! Yes I do laugh about it late, I often say to my husband, when he asks me what’s wrong with her and if we had a bad day, “I don’t know hunny she was great all day.” Then I get the sad face and feel bad! Why is it that they always look like angels while sleeping 🙂

  2. I like your insights Tammi and yes kids do go nuts when the other partner comes home! but they merely are playing the exclusive attention game. maybe cuddle the three of you first before you 2 try to sneak in some adult conversation and relief. i know from my experience that i was always so glad when my husband came home that at the beginning my son felt left out so we changed our routine to son/dad 5 minutes, 5 minutes threesome time and then snuck in the hubby/wife time while making dinner together. good luck with finding your solution 🙂 and you sound like a great Mom who can even differentiate and learn. pat yourself on the back!

    1. Hi Karin! Thanks you for the tips, I’m willing to try anything and it seems like a good idea! My daughter is a huge attention junkie!! I’ve spend the past 20 months realizing that it’s OK to not be “the perfect mother.” 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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