Daycare Day 2, Gym Day 2

Daycare -2 This Momma – 0 and of course Gym -2 This momma- 0 🙁 LOL I’ve gotten my butt kicked this week! I have to admit I had a lot of guilt this morning sending my daughter off to daycare. Most moms are thankful for snow days and loves staying home and being with their kiddo’s, well this momma gets to do that everyday! Plus the roads were crappy, her nose was running (and she’s discovered she can touch it!! And play with it!!) so a few boogers later, a few more tears later we loaded up and I dropped her off. She was more aware of what was going on today so of course she cried earlier and held on to my leg harder LOL…..but I said my good bye and walked out. One of the workers said “I promise it gets easier, their will come a time when she waves to you!” LOL That made me feel a little better.

I really just wanted to go home and get my cleaning done, she trashed the house before I even left and I wanted to get a few things done, however I forced myself to go to the gym knowing how good it made me feel on Tuesday. It was great because NO ONE was their, I loved it! Though I remember a time when I used to kick that ellipticals butt!! Ohhhh someday I will get their again! Hey showing up is half the battle!!

Tonight is Lasagna in the Crock, it’s already in and cooking! Can’t wait! Last time I made it was so good that I said I’d never made lasagna another way…..


Oh cooking tips I’ve learnt today while watching the Food Network channel. Do you know what Deglazing means? I’ve heard it often but never thought of the meaning of it. Well it’s when you are fying something that gives you the brown caked up pieces on the bottom of your pan….well scraping it off while your cooking is Deglazing and it has a  lot of flavor in it…… next time you cook….DEGLAZE! Also I learnt that the place to keep your bacon should be your freezer! I don’t buy bacon, believe me I LOVE bacon however I feel guilt when I eat it because it’s so high in fat. My fam eats a lot of Canadian Bacon. However the next time we do splurge I’ll be putting it in the freezer because it lasts longer and it’s also easier to cut and make bacon bits!!!

Hubby and I decided to have date night tomorrow night since the Bruin’s aren’t playing and we haven’t watched a movie in awhile. The movie we are watching is called. “Abduction.” Funny side story about this movie. I had rented it from Redbox a few weeks ago, sometimes between my husband and I we rent a movie on a whim not realizing that a. he’s tired or b. a Bruin’s game is on LOL….now we’ve learnt to ask these questions before renting a movie! 1.00 turned into 9.00 at one point by the time we got to watch it. Well this one however got lost among the shuffle! I thought I put it in Maddie’s diaper bag one day to return while I was out (yes before we watched it) well then I couldn’t find it. Well while packing Maddie up for daycare the other day using the same diaper bag I found a pocket I hadn’t checked and low and behold their is our 22.30 movie at this point we own it! LOL!! Second one we own via Rexbox thank you!! Yes I’m proud.

So what’s on the menu for this date night….something new! I’d like to try the Salad I posted a few wks ago but never got a chance to make.  I’m on a spinach kick! Spinach Salad w/Orange Vinaigrette. The main dish also has spinach in it and if all goes well I’m hoping to add a slice of ham or two but I’m not sure how it’s going to go yet so we shall see. Chicken Florentine Crock it’s called. I’m going to serve it over buttery garlic noodles (no recipe just low fat margerine, garlic and salt & pepper). With a side of Garlic & Onion Green Beans. I hope to get to the store tomorrow to buy a pound cake to make the dessert I had in mind, I know my hubby will love it because it’s like Ice Cream Cake, Rachael Ray made it the other day on 30 Minute Meals, she said it was similar to Tiramasu so she calls it Niramasu teeheee…

Stay tuned for what’s up for the weekend….this momma is trying a few new things…….also I’m starting to think……..ST.PATTY’S DAY GRUB……!!!!

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