
 What is the meaning of Bestie to you? Best Friend? Girl-Friend? The meaning to me goes a long way because I truly feel a friendship takes as much work as any relationship.

I met my bestie the month I met my husband. This momma was lucky enough to gain a husband and a best friend all within a few years of each other. She supported me when my husband and I broke up early in our relationship, which was hard for her since she was dating his brother! She stood beside me when I took my vows, which meant a lot to both my husband and I because she quickly gained a great friendship with him as well. She patiently waited at the hosptial while I gave birth to my daugther so she could be one of many to hold her. She has sat by my side many times as I shed tears of frustration while I learnt the joys and hiccups of motherhood. Here we are at my wedding in 2009!

She came over for dinner last night, with a card, just because, not for Mother’s Day, just to let me know that she’s their for me. Sometimes that’s all it takes is a sweet gesture to make you feel special. The thing that challenges our friendship the most is that she is not a mother. I have friends who are mothers and I have a few that are not mother’s and sometimes it’s hard to relate to those who are not just because you feel as if they “don’t get it.” How can I sit here and complain about all the things I’ve wanted my whole life…..she wouldn’t understand. Well she does……..No matter what. That’s a bestie in my eyes. Here we are on a girls night last summer 🙂

So I cooked her the Skinny Lasagna Alfredo. I know she loves Alfredo, so I “healthified” this recipe by using light alfredo sauce. I also made half the recipe (I split it right in half) so we didn’t have any leftovers LOL!! Her and my hubby LOVED it….we both gobbled down two peices.

I also warmed up the Easy Cheesy Garlic Biscuits that I made the other night. I plopped them on an oven proof plate, warmed them during the last 10-15 minutes the Lasagna cooked. They were just as good the 2nd time around!! Thanks to my husband who suggested that I put them in the fridge 🙂

Then of course we had a few cocktails and she let me unload my garbage…….LOL….I haven’t posted much this week because I was just feeling pretty down….no specific reason, we are all entitled to have bad days, or bad weeks in my case, my daugther has been teething all week, hasn’t slept through the night and has just been a crankpot. At least she woke up in a much better mood today and slept through the night phew!! Here we are enjoying some yogurt….thank god we are headed out for a haircut today! So here is our before picture……scroll to the bottom to see the after picture!!

Today is a new day, it’s Friday, and I surprised my hubs with some Red Sangria! YUMMY, it’s Revenge night after MM goes to bed!! Here is one I found and all I’ll have to do is pick up a bottle of red wine.


  • 1 bottle (750 ml) dry red wine
  • 1/4 cup brandy
  • 1/4 cup orange liqueur
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 sliced oranges
  • 1 sliced green apple
  • 1 1/2 cups seltzer


Mix the wine, liqueur and sugar in a pitcher, stirring to dissolve the sugar, then add the fruit.

Refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 1 day.

Add the seltzer just before serving.

We’ve been both saying that we should make a sangria so here is how it looks…… refreshing, on a nice sunny day thankfully……..FINALLY!

So what is cooking up in this kitchen over the weekend?? Well not too much because I won’t be cooking on Mother’s Day of course! Not sure what my hubby has planned, it’s the one day I don’t like to “plan” as long as I get to see my mom I’m a happy momma!! I do know within the next few days I’ll be making Panini’s, not sure what kind yet but I’m dusting off the Panini maker! I also bought a Ham so I’m going to be making the Crockpot Honey Mustard Ham & Beans, my hubs loved that and I made it so long ago I wasn’t taking pictures back then!

Here is Maddie’s “After” picture of her new haircut! Too cute!

2 Replies to “Besties

  1. It was a hard week for everyone. I’m chalking the bad vibe of this week and last to the lack of sunshine!! Hope you have a happy mothers day!!!

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